This website is produced in support of the the Lanz Register which is being compiled by Andy Watson of Grantham, England.  So far, over 7,000 Lanz tractors and implements have been located in 41 countries.

The website also supports registers being compiled for SF Vierzon, HSCS, Landini, McDonald, Orsi and other single cylinder tractors, including the Lanz copies - Ursus, Pampa, KL and Percheron.

                                                                                           D8516, 40 HP, located in the UK.

                                                                                                                         Last updated, 12 November 2022.

Lanz Register - Detail
Lanz Copies - Le Percheron, Kelly & Lewis, Ursus, El Pampa
Other Single Cylinder Tractor Registers
Other Similar Registers

Gallery (Lanz)
Gallery (Other Single Cylinder Tractors)